Genie Speaks

There is hope

I Am Happy!

You and only you have the power to pick how you feel: I Choose to be Happy.  I love feeling happy.

What have you chosen?

Life is good!  God is great! All is right in my world.

Many Blessings,




It’s been along time since I posted anything.  I am experiencing chronic pain due to medical issues.   When I started this blog I intended to post daily, that is not feasible at this time. I will post as I can in the future.

I still feel very blessed despite the medical problems I am experiencing. Life isn’t just about having it easy, it’s more about our reaction to what life brings to us.  I am limited in what I physically can do, but I can control my attitude.  I am blessed.

Life is good!  God is great!   All is right in my world!




Life is…

Life doesn’t give tests; instead life is giving us experiences that give us opportunities to grow and become a better person.

Life is good!  God is great!  All is right in my world!



Finding Happiness

I’m a happy lady.  I didn’t get to be this happy by accident or by luck; it was a lot of work.  Strange isn’t it?  That for me being happy took and still takes a lot of work.   Maybe a better way to put it is: In order to be happy, I need to take an active role.  I know some people are naturally happy and they know how to be the happy person they were meant to be.   I’m not one of those people – I tend to let the negative influences of this earth affect me too easily.

To counter this, I actively seek happiness and I do my best to spread happiness.   Happiness doesn’t cost money just willingness to be happy.  I was willing.  I am willing.  Are you?

At the end of each day, I think over my day and I acknowledge the wonderful things, people, events and situations that happened that day.  It’s wonderful to have my mind full of these awesome moments as I fall asleep.  It also makes it easy to wake up in the good mood.   Speaking of waking up to a new day; begin your new day saying thank you for the wonderful day that is about to happen.  This helps set up your day on a positive note.

Is this something you are willing to do?

Happy people are connected to others: friends, family, co-workers, etc.   Don’t get me wrong, others cannot make you happy.  Only you can do that.  It is just that I have noticed that happy people tend to be close to others; shallow relationships just are not part of the mix.  In my case I treasure my love ones.

Are you willing to connect with others; to develop close relationships?

Although I believe in spreading happiness, I’m not actively spending each and every moment trying to find ways to make someone else happy.  I’m just seeking to live each day with a heart full of joy, peace, compassion, and universal love for others.  That’s the recipe that equals happiness for me.  Somehow, being happy seems to spillover and before I realize it I’m spreading happiness.

What is your recipe for happiness?

Life is good!  God is great!  All is right in my world!



Kindness Rule #4

Like smiles, kindness is contagious!

Life is good!  God is great!  All is right in my world!



Happiness is..

I had to be kind to myself by taking time off.   I’m feeling better and am trying to get back on track with my blog.  It may be awhile before I get back to a daily post or maybe not.

In my time off, I’ve been thinking about happiness and why I still felt happy inside while dealing with health issues.   I finally come up with “Happiness is having confidence that it’s all good.”  For me what it means it that it doesn’t matter what is happening around us or to us, we still can find happiness.  Besides there is a reason or every thing so it’s all good.

Life is good!  God is great!  All is right in my world!



Be Kind to Yourself

While you are out there spreading kindness, remember to be kind to yourself.  In fact we need to remember that while we are spiritual beings, we are currently having a human experience and as we all know humans make mistakes.  Somewhere somehow we as spiritual beings decided to have this human experience and we need to give ourselves a break when, not if, we mess up.

Most of us have a conversation going on in our heads, which is okay, if we remember to be kind while talking about ourselves.  No more of “What were you thinking?” or “I’m stupid” or “I’m not good enough” types of remarks.  Being ugly to yourself is disrespectful of not only to you, but it is disrespectful of God.  Think about it, we are all beloved children of God and if are not respectful of God’s work that’s just wrong.

Remember that part of the human experience is to enjoy life.  I’ve spent most of my life struggling to work hard for some goal I set for myself.  I’ve recently been told by several people I respect that I need to relax and just enjoy life.  At first I try to enjoyed life by working hard to find things to enjoy; sort of defeated the purpose of the whole idea.  Right now, I am just remembering to take deep breathes and enjoy the moment I’m in.

So rule number three is “Be Kind to Yourself.”    In order words:  be patient, compassionate, caring, and forgiving toward ourselves.

Life is good!  God is great! All is right in my world!



Full Circle

I’ve been thinking lately of how blessed I am that I am able to give as much as I do.   I also have been thinking about how wonderfully blessed I am, in general.  Then I realized that I am so blessed because I am able to both able to give and receive blessings.  Now I’m pondering on which came first.  I give because I have received; I received because I gave.

Life is good!  God is great!  All is right in my world!



Kindness Counts

To be kind does not have to expensive, take a lot of time or use a lot of your energy.  Don’t get me wrong, if you have the money do use some of it for the purpose of being kind.  If you have the time and extra energy do put it to use being kind.  I’m just trying to let those of you who do not have extra money, time or energy that you still can make a difference.  You can brighten someone’s day by simple acts of kindness.


  • Smile at someone: if someone is having an unusually rough day, a smile from a stranger has the potential of brighten up their day.
  • Holding a door open:   If someone has their hands full or using crutches or in a wheelchair or just plain tired, it helps to hold the door open for them.
  • When you are in line at a store, if someone only has one or two items to buy, let them go before you.
  • If someone has made a positive difference in your life, let them know.  Sometimes a person just needs to hear that they have made a positive impact on someone.
  • If you love someone, tell them…often.
  • Share your lunch with someone.
  • When you finish reading a good book that belongs to you, leave it somewhere for someone else to enjoy.

If you do not have a lot of money, but have time and have the energy there are endless opportunities to be kind.  Just remember to be kind to yourself and not over extend yourself.  Things that do cost time and energy:

  • Use your skills to help someone.
  • Teach someone a skill you have mastered.
  • If you know someone who is a caregiver, offer to give them a break by staying with their loved ones for a few minutes, a hour or longer so they can have a much needed break.
  • Write a letter of encouragement.  It doesn’t matter if it is a friend, family member or a stranger just sit down and write a few positive words.  Perhaps something you would love to have someone tell you.  Whether you do it anonymously or sign your name, it has the potential of changing someone’s life for the better.
  • Visit folks in a hospital, hospice or elder care facility.
  • Be a volunteer.
  • Do the yard work for someone unable to do it for themselves.

There are endless examples of kindness.  Please leave a comment and tell me your kindness story.

Life is good!  God is great!  All is right in my world!



What Is Important?

Lately I have re-evaluating my life and figuring out what needs to stay, what needs to go and what needs to change.  It has occurred to me for the umpteenth time that what is currently showing up in my today are the things and people I have deemed important.  By the way, I’m so grateful that you are a part of my life.

I invite you to look around and see what is currently in your life.  Does what you are seeing in your life agree with what your heart and soul knows it should be?

Life is Good!  God is Great!  All is right in My World!



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