Genie Speaks

There is hope

The Beautiful Blogger Award

Beautiful Blogger Award


1. Copy the Beautiful Blogger Award logo and place it in your post.

2.  Thank the person who nominated you and link back to their blog.

3. Nominate 7 other bloggers for their own Beautiful Blogger Award.

Thank you Savannah for nominating me for this award, I am honored and I am very grateful.  Savannah’s blog can be found at; she also writes about her healing and spiritual journey.  Isn’t it wonderful that there is more than one path to the same destination?

Okay, now I need to nominate seven others, whose blogs have touched me.  Now, this is the hard part;  limiting the number of bloggers to just seven, well here it goes…

ST2’s Here I am, send me…

Karl’s Mindful Balance

Michele’s Stuff My Brain Thinks

Mimi’s  Waiting for the Karma Truck – for some reason the link will not work so cut and past this web address:

Cee’s  Cee’s Healing Journey

Dan’s nine & a half hours ahead

Meiro’s  Meiro

I hope y’all visit each one of these blogs to see why I nominated them.  Don’t forget to visit Savannah’s  Healing with Savannah.

Life is good!  Good is great! All is right in my world!



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11 thoughts on “The Beautiful Blogger Award

  1. Pingback: Beautiful Blogger Award | Here am I, send me…

  2. there the magic of the internet, following one link to another I found your blog and was curious to take a peek. I am part of the healing community where I live, I am a spiritual director, someone who helps people on their spiritual journey to seek and understand their calling from God; I work especially with moms.

    the Internet is a wonderful place to find interesting and wonderful people like you, and I am hoping to read the blogs of everyone on your list.

    Please stop my little corner of the internet and say hello, would love to see you there

    • Wow, Spiritual Director another job title I would love to have – the other being Happiness Expert. I am thankful that the internet exists so we could meet.
      I’m glad you found me, I will follow you home. 🙂

  3. Congrats Genie…
    PS.I have a problem going to your post the Lovely Blogger Award 🙂 It says file not found…

  4. Hi Genie,
    Thank you so much!! I am really excited and appreciative of your nomination! What a wonderful thing to receive upon returning home from Saturday errands! Thank you! “-)

  5. Rita on said:

    I love all this! Healthy and Loving Relationships and support ABOUND! And so it is!

  6. Thank you so much for nominating me Genie its really an honor.

    Warm regards.

I love comments!