Genie Speaks

There is hope

One Lovely Blog Award

I have the privilege of being nominated for the One Lovely Blog Award, twice in the same week; by Magnolia Beginnings and just the day before by Spilled Cookies.   These two lovely ladies really made me really feel blessed.

I wavered on how to respond, I wondered if I should combine these two nominations or follow my own rule of one post per award nomination.  I decided to keep my rule I made for myself, because I made it for a good reason.  I enjoy sharing the love too much to limit myself.  Today I am accepting Magnolia Beginnings nomination with a feeling of being gloriously happy.

The Rules for Award participation are:

1. Link back to the blogger who nominated you.

2. Paste the award image on your blog, anywhere.

3. Tell them 7 facts about yourself.

4. Nominate 15 other blogs you like for this award.

5. Contact the bloggers that you have chosen to let them know that they have been nominated.

Seven Facts about Myself:

1.  The first time I publicly used my closing “Life is good! God is great! All is right in my world!” was at a talk given by my chiropractor, Dr. Peter Camiolo aka Dr. Pete.  He invited 14 of his clients to come onstage before his presentation.  We walked one by one onto the stage carrying a poster that in our own words expressed how we felt before getting Dr. Pete’s help and how we felt today.  My closing statement I use was that day’s today and it is still my today.  I love it is my every day. I cannot remember exactly what I wrote everything about my past; something about so much pain and medication causing me not to be able to express my true self.

2.  I love the mountains. I only have been to the Smoky Mountains, Cumberland Mountains and the Blue Ridge Mountains; someday I will venture further.  All have left me feeling breathless and in awe.

3.  When I having a gloriously wonderful day, I don’t want to go to bed.  I’m aware that this is a child-like response and I’m supposed to be an adult, but I don’t want to waste any my joy time sleeping.  I also am aware that tomorrow has a high potential to be another gloriously day.  I waver between enjoying being childlike and thinking I really should buck up and act like an adult.

4. I started my blog thinking, I would at some point write up a bunch of posts and have them available on the days I can’t think of anything to write. That hasn’t happened.  I wait until I am inspired before writing anything, because the words I type out aren’t really from me; they are from spirit for me and you.  Most of the time I have my post ready sometime the day before I post it, but there are many times when inspiration doesn’t hit me until the day of the post.  I don’t really worry about what the topic will be or when it will arrive because I know spirit talks to me every day and the topic will be something I need to hear.  I just have to do my part and pay attention.

6.  I read fast; which works out great, because I love to read.  The faster I read the more I get to read.

7. I love hugs. It is a rare day that I don’t give and receive a lot of hugs. I sincerely love the people in my life and I receive that love back.  We express our love with hugs.

My 15 Nominates:

These are all wonderful bloggers with lovely blogs that I invite you to visit.

Life is good!  God is great!  All is right in my world!



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25 thoughts on “One Lovely Blog Award

  1. Thank you for sharing this award with me; I truly appreciate it! I have shared about it here: 🙂

  2. Pingback: Appreciative of approbation | Smile, kiddo.

  3. Pingback: Awards « B&W Bears

  4. My favorite line in your post: Life is good! God is great! All is right in my world!

    Beautiful Genie, thank you.

    Lisa (lifeyum)

  5. Hi,
    Congrats on your award, and I agree, hugs are very good. 🙂

  6. congrats Genie! you deserve it! and thank you for nominating me 🙂 i dearly appreciate that.

  7. Thank you very much! I enjoyed your blog immensely as it is always inspiring. It is a great honor to receive this award from you. Thank you indeed!

  8. Congratulations on the much deserved, award, Genie! Loved your shared bits about yourself…and ditto the happy hugger…here’s a great big (((HUG))) just for (award-winning!) you!

  9. Genie,

    Thank you very, very much for the nomination! I am very happy you enjoy my blog. That is my biggest reward. I appreciate it!


  10. It is a pleasure reading these things about you.

  11. Congratulations!! I love the accolades you receive and the cyber-hugs that are being sent your way…

  12. Congratulations Genie…and since hou love hugs, here’s a “huge big hug” just for you!

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