Genie Speaks

There is hope

Quotes from the Masters: Picasso

Robin Jean Marie issued a challenge on June 2, 2012 in one of her blog posts called Quotes From the Masters: Picasso and I have accepted the challenge.  Here’s the quote for this particular challenge: Everything you can imagine is real” by Pablo Picasso.

This quote speaks to my philosophical nature.  I just love to think about “what if?”  What if, everything out there and right here was a shared illusion?  What if, we could change our lives by not limiting ourselves to what is the norm?  What if, we could imagine ourselves into a much better world?

There is a theory out there that this universe, world we live in, is a hologram. Our true selves have dreamed up this world so we could learn and grow stronger spiritually.   I recently was introduced to this theory when a friend cleaned out his bookcase and let me take what I wanted of his rejects.  I have only read the first few pages so I really don’t know what the author’s theory truly is, but I just had to put down the book and start thinking “what if?”  I’ll get back to the book shortly, but in the meantime I am having loads of fun stretching and wrapping my brain around the concept.

Here is my take on this theory – remember this is rough draft material here, because I haven’t actually read the book.   This theory is a twist on the movie Matrix. We aren’t fighting or struggling against an outer enemy like the characters in the movie; instead we are fighting and struggling with inner enemy – our self.

We are spiritual beings temporarily housed inside a human body.   I accept this truth.  I know each one of us is a powerful being, who can bring what is needed to this shared illusion to create the experience needed for our highest good.  Using our imaginations is a good place to start.

I imagined in the past, thus creating the future I’m living today.  I imagined that would own a house for years then came the day when I did.  I imagined that I would have a college degree; I applied myself and eventually became a college graduate.  I am in the midst of imagining my future and I know that this too will be real.

How I know that I can be happy no matter what happens to me or around me makes more sense.  The shared illusion can be that life is rough and you have to struggle to just get ahead doesn’t have to be my truth.  I can be happy, no matter what situation I find myself in.  I imagine me being happy and so it is.  That’s so cool.  I imagine me being joyous and so it is.  This is totally awesome.

Life is good!  God is great!  All is right in my world.



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19 thoughts on “Quotes from the Masters: Picasso

  1. Thanks for letting me camp out in your blog for a little while. I had a great time and tried to leave my campsite as clean as when I arrived. I’ll be back!

  2. True happiness is in the mind and the soul, it is immaterial.

  3. Jennifer Flint Designs on said:

    Great post, Genie! I like the idea that we can be happy even if our circumstances DON’T match what we imagine, because the source for real happiness comes from inside of us, in any case. I used to have a little tea press from Republic of Tea that said “happiness needs no cause,” and I thought that was quite profound, really. 🙂

  4. Love your blog so I nominated you for the One Lovely Blog Award!

  5. Hi Genie, There are No ‘What ifs’ for we CAN! 🙂
    Great post.. Keep up that positive thinking. For our Thoughts are Energy and as such they create.. Love and Blessings to you ~Sue

  6. “If you can believe it, you can achieve it.” Dream on.

  7. stickyquote on said:

    Love the post Genie..

  8. I was thinking of “The Matrix” as I started reading your post. 😉 It’s really liberating, to think of our selves and our spirits as not “being bound to this earth or the things of this earth.” And it’s true–attitude is everything! We can be happy if we let ourselves be.
    Thanks for joining in the challenge, Genie! 🙂

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